Dick Costolo CEO of Twitter announced a new look for profile pages on mobile app for iPad, iPhone and Android or twitter.com on September 18 2012. Now you can able to make your presence more new and meaning full in twitter. Whenever anyone views your profile on the web the same image will appear on those apps. To expose yourself instantly you can upload your header photo, which appears above your tweets.
“We rebuilt Twitter for iPad from the ground up to make it fast, beautiful and easy to use,” Costolo said.
In twitter, there are over 140 million users, with 340 tweets per day. Twitter also has an $8 billion valuation and 900 employees in San Francisco only.
This new profiles also help you to know about the people from their pictures. Photos are now appearing anyone’s most recent tweets on iPhone, Android and iPad. To view the photos in full screen, new users have to share or tap any thumbnail.
The header photos help you to keep your profile simple on iPhone, iPad and Android. You will also have the additional photos – a background photos on twitter.com. Upload new background images adjunct to your header and profile photos.
The twitter announcement also includes the new app for iPad: “We’ve rebuilt the app from the ground up to make it fast, beautiful and easy to use. Tweets come alive with in-line expansion and support for photos, videos and web site summaries. Like Twitter for iPhone and Twitter for Android, this new version of Twitter for iPad also supports new profiles and photo streams on profiles. “