Here there are some well known features of Google earth and maps.
1. Google Maps is not only a mapping service provided by Google, also there comes Google earth which is not more popular but offers more service than you can’t find in maps. Google Earth accesses online data, you first need to download the Google Earth application from
2. Since it uses software on your own PC, Google Earth offers more polished interface than Google maps as you’ll quickly discover (you can, however switch to Goole Earth in your browser by clicking the Earth button at the top-right corner in Google Maps). The emphasis is on satellite imagery, as opposed to road maps but, unlike Google Maps, it allows you to explore the Earth’s Polar Regions, and even the Moon and Mars.
3. You would have come across Google maps street view feature but did you know it works in 3D?
To turn in to 3D, press 3 or T. Red and cyan fringes will appear on the image but if you put on a pair of red-cyan glasses (e.g. from, you can view the scene in 3D.
Note that you can’t enable 3D if you’re using the MapsGL mode.
4. Google Earth includes flight simulator which makes us to view the earth form unique perspective. Make the selection as “Enter Flight Simulator” from the Tools menu and then select your aircraft of choice and a starting location. You won’t succeed until you understand the controls so when-ever need a help just press Ctrl+H to use the help screen.
5. Though Google Maps just explores the surface of the Earth. Now the street view includes two underground locations. Check out the Akiyoshi-do caves in Japan. With parts of the Amazon rain forest included too, the term Street View, seems less appropriate than ever.
6. Google Maps can show the minute traffic conditions in many part of the UK. Click on the white box labelled Traffic in the top-right corner of the map and click on traffic in the pull-down menu (there are other options here you may find interesting too). Depends on heavy traffic the roads will be coloured and says the current traffic status.
7. Everyone thinks Google Maps as a universal panacea but there are some places you can’t see. In North Korea, you can’t access for a detailed maps, although you can see just a few roads and low-resolution satellite imagery. There are some places in the West you can’t see in detail too – try this for example.
8. If you a regular user on Android you’ve probably discovered the Google Maps app but you might not have known that it can be used in offline too. Normally you receive the map information’s via Wi-Fi or 3G but while travelling there is no assure for network coverage’s If you anticipate this eventuality, you can download the relevant portion of the map before you go (click the menu button in Maps and choose ‘Make available offline’).
9. Google Maps doesn’t give a passive experience, it also provide us to map routes with description and photographs. You can define your own points of interest or routes, together with descriptions and photographs, that others can see superimposed on the map. Refer Create and Share Custom Google Maps to see how to do it. You can also submit corrections and add information with Google Map Maker (
10. SketchUp or Building Maker gives us a way to create 3D models of buildings to view in Google maps or Google Earth. If you fancy trying your hand at this, Your World in 3D should be your first port of call.