It really happy to know that Google has entered into the teenage. Yeah! Today Google is celebrating its own 14th birthday with Doodle. This year doodle placed animation image in home page of Google, this shows chocolate color cake and 14 candles.
This cake contains all Google colors. After the chocolate cake is eaten away, the candles are automatically placed at the bottom of the cake and the left place tell’s us is the spelling of Google with the color combination of the blue, yellow, red, green and brown.
We all know that Sergey Brin and Larry Page are the Founders of Google in the year 1998. These two legends joined their hands and changed the face of internet.
Google major releases in last year:
1. Expanded Sitelinks in august 16, 2011.
2. Pignation Elements in September 15, 2011.
3. Panda 3.1 update in November 18, 2011.
4. Search + your world January 10, 2012.
5. Knowledge Graph may 16, 2012.