What exactly a Content management system defines?
“WCMS is a web content management system also known as web CMS usually used for web applications and also for creating and managing HTML content. It manages & controls a large collection of web material (HTML Docs & its images). CMS facilitates content creation, content control, editing, and many essential Web maintenance functions.”
Just take a moment and overview the list below the 12 best free cms available. Some might be more familiar to all like word press, joomla and some look new for regular designers too. After the inquiry use it when you work on it.
WordPress – art publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability. Word Press is basically free and priceless at the same time. Word Press is also what SpyreStudios and Design Newz run on.
Joomla – an outstanding content management system (CMS), which empower you to build Websites and efficacious online applications. Many features, including its ease-of-use and extensibility, have made Joomla the most popular Web site software available. Best thing in that which increases the value is, Joomla is an open source solution that is freely available to everyone.
Drupal– a free software package that allows an individual or a group of users to easily publish, manage and organize a wide variety of content on a website. Thousands of people and organizations are using Drupal to power scores of different web sites .
Silver Stripe CMS– a manageable open source Content Management System which gives everyone , who involves in web project the respective tools they need for their works.
CushyCMS – is a simple Content Management Systems (CMS). It’s free for users and can make unlimited changes, pages and sites.
FrogCMS – a simplified content management system which offers an elegant user interface, flexible templates per page, simple user management and permissions, and also the tools necessary for file management. Born as phpRadiant in January 2007, Frog CMS is a PHP version of Radiant CMS and a well known Ruby on Rails application. Although the two applications still share a family resemblance, Frog is follow its own development path.
MODx – it helps you in online content and takes control of it. An Open Source PHP application framework, it helps you to build sites how you prefer and make them as 100% you own. Zero restrictions and fast to build. Super-simple templates in regular HTML/CSS/JS (any lib you want).
TYPOlight CMS – is a web CMS that Uses Ajax and Web 2.0 technologies, it holds a live update feature for those who have multiple blogs, supports for multi-language and hosts a ton of other great features.
DotCMS-The fully functional GPL version of dotCMS continues to forge ahead – providing bleed–edge features and the latest code to a thriving community of developers and users.
Expression Engine – a flexible and a rich content management system that accord thousands of individuals, organizations, and companies around the world to easily manage their website. If you’re bored on the limitations of your CMS then go for expression engine for a change.
Radiant- a open source content management system designed especially for small teams that was built on Ruby on Rails. It provides an endless list of extraordinary features and is definitely worth checking out.
Concrete5-made for marketing and an open source content management system. It’s revolutionary – and it’s free.