Microsoft has released the Bing Knowledge Widget for webmasters and publishers. Bing says you can easily configure how you want Bing Knowledge Widget to visualize the entities detected on a page. There…
Tag: bing
Bing And OneNote Can Work Together
In November Microsoft released a new version of OneNote for Windows 8 devices with a heavy focus on sharing. While one could say the main focus was sharing OneNote content across multiple…
Bing Image Search Gets Pinterest Boards
Today Bing announced today that it has added new Pinterest integration to its Image Search. When users search for an image on Bing, on the right-hand side of the search results page…
Bing News Gets Modern Makeover
Microsoft continues its Bing redesign spree with a new look for Bing News. The new modern layout is built for touch and, showcases top trending topics from Facebook, Twitter and Bing as…
Microsoft Launches Bing Ads In Australia, New Zealand
On Monday Microsoft announced that Bing Ads are now available in Australia and New Zealand. This month earlier, Microsoft released some stats about Bing Ads and the Yahoo Bing Network. The network…
Search Engine Statistcs – Infographic
This infographic explains about the Search Engine Statistics. Are you looking for best SEO services ?. devIMS offers you a quality SEO service to get ranked in search engines and expand your…
New Carousel Feature Introduced in Bing
Bing gives a great opening in its new feature called the News Carousel, which tells more about the searches where if we search for like politician or celebrity they will see a…
How your website SEO can increase your rankings
15 SEO Elements In the past Google said that it incorporates hundreds of parameters into its algorithm for ranking (Ann Smarty wrote a post, trying to identify as many as she could…
Are Bing’s Results Better Than Google’s?
Does Bing deliver search results better than Google? Bing launched a campaign and trying to convince people and it’s called as Bing It On. Which search engine’s results do you prefer: Google’s…