Now it’s happy news for analytics persons where Google analytics have announced that you can share and collaborate on Google Analytics dashboards.
Dashboards usually give a overview on your properties and performance and also even more powerful as you can create dashboards as you create dashboards that you and your teammates can see and edit. Dashboard sharing is a nice complement to dashboard template creation: templates enable creating copies of dashboard configurations, and dashboard sharing enables you to collaborate with your team on a single shared dashboard.
This feature is coming in weeks where they can start by creating dashboards or viewing an existing and then clicking on the “share” menu.
This will make a copy where it will be available to everyone on the profile. Private dashboards will be grouped together and shared dashboards can be seen on left side of Google Analytics
Google Analytics also offers two forms of asset sharing today which includes creating asset templates and collaborating on a single asset. It’s most waited for your feedback on sharing, planning. Use dashboard sharing today to work more effectively with your team, and to enable richer reporting and data analysis.