Samsung has again proposed to invest about Rs 350 crore in its electronics plant. This is in addition to about its Rs 400 crore investment made for the mobile phone facility,” a…
Tag: Samsung
Samsung Announces the Galaxy Grand 2 Smartphone
Samsung announced the new Galaxy Grand 2 Smartphone which is positioned as an in-between device that is larger than the Galaxy S4. Grand 2 has a 1.2GHz quad core processor and 1.5GB…
Galaxy S 4 Mini Comes To The U.S. In November
Today Samsung announced that the Galaxy S 4 Mini will release in U.S. at some point in November. The company didn’t tell a specific date which is a sign that it’s leaving…
Samsung Officially Unveils The Galaxy Gear
Samsung announced its foray into the smart watch market – the Galaxy Gear during the press conference. It’s a smart watch with a 1.63-inch display powered by an 800MHz CPU. It sports…
Samsung Subsidies Greater Than Apple’s, Shows Analyst Report
In the Android market Samsung’s runaway success, it is normally ascribed to the company’s marketing and significant quality of manufacturing. A new report shows that the Korean manufacturer’s making pricing strategies could…