Mobile not only just used often to purchase but also an effective tool used for brand awareness and research then direct response. When you compare the performance with mobile to desktop it shows we missing out the crucial opportunity in promoting our brand. Since mobile is growing like crazy people use these devices for e-marketing and have forecasted mobile advertising to be almost $11 billion by 2016.
Interesting reports from IAB, mobile activity happens often in the home and that to during the leisure activities at night rather than on the day. People make the mobile performance more efficient depending on time of the day and type of an activity.
An internal adMarketplace study recently showed that tablets converted 93 percent as efficiently as desktops while smartphones were only 49 percent as efficient.
The chart below shows us how far behind phone click volume is compared to tablets and desktops.
Google’s enhanced campaigns allow the advertisers adjust phone bids as a percentage of their desk top/tablets in a single campaign. Bing Ads allows for separate targeting by device type at the campaign and ad group level.
In spite of creating mobile friendly websites you can’t force mobile users to behave the same way as they do in desktop.
So how do you win with mobile? Here are three strategies to succeed in today’s mobile marketplace:
Relax Your ROI Goals
If your target is 5:1 for desktop and performance to date on mobile is 2:1, consider setting a target ROI of 3:1 for mobile instead. With lower ROI expectations, you can continue to engage your target audience on this device.
Analyze Engagement Metrics
Invest more time and resources into mobile experience as you do with desktop. Find where users are looking, and more importantly where they aren’t looking, to optimize their mobile experience.
Think About How You Use Your Own Devices
If you want to show a friend a funny video on YouTube, are you more likely to gather around your laptop or pass around your tablet? Do you tend to make more purchases on your mobile devices during your commute or when you get home to your laptop? My experience on both questions is the latter.
Until the day when mobile becomes the ultimate purchasing agent, advertisers should take mobile for what it is – an excellent tool for brands to strengthen relationships with consumers.